HSAP for Guidance and Administrators

HSAP - Defined

The High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) is  a work experience program that allows students the opportunity to explore and pursue trades training.

Enrolled HSAP students become supervised workers who learn trade skills and trade knowledge while working at a local employer.

HSAP is proudly offered to students in Border Land, Garden Valley, Red River Valley and Western School Divisions.

Click here to download our printable HSAP Guide.

Benefits of HSAP

Students benefit from participating in HSAP in the following ways:

1. Students participate in their first level of post-secondary apprenticeship training while in high school.  Students learn about the apprenticeship system of on-the-job work experience and in-school technical training.  HSAP teachers inform and provide guidance for navigating the apprenticeship system in preparation for adult apprenticeship. Students are shown how to take their career exploration to the next step of pursuing excellence in a trade. 

2. By earning a possible 1-8 40S elective credits towards graduation. 

3. Students gain employ-ability skills. Practicing employ-ability skills often promotes better focus in the classroom and mastery of social situations. 

4. Practice problem solving. Students are given opportunities to learn  and practice vocational hard skills as well teamwork. 

5. By practicing essential skills learned in the core subjects like science, ELA, math and others. 

6. By becoming contributing members of Manitoba society. Students work towards building their own competence and independence.