Pathway Through Apprenticeship

Apprenticeship is a Post-Secondary Pathway

An apprenticeship is a unique way of getting a post-secondary education. It is unique from typical post-secondary educational institutions like colleges and university because a student must 1) get a job, 2) get an apprenticeship agreement and 3) accumulate on-the-job work experience hours, all before in-class technical training.

Apprenticeship Basic Structure

Apprenticeships are made of levels containing, 1) on-the-job work experience hours, and 2) in-class technical training. An apprenticeship is typically made of 2-5 levels of training depending on the trade. After all levels are completed, the apprentice will need to write an exam. 

Image of Adult Apprenticeship Levels

On-the-job Work Experience Hours

On-the-job work experience
hours are counted by an employer.  An apprentice will be working under the guidance of a Red Seal journey person or a Manitoba Designated Trainer.  Working together with an expert, an apprentice learns basic tasks and builds knowledge and skill.  Over time, the apprentice will work on tasks that build their skills and knowledge, allowing them greater degrees of independence and problem solving. Students typically work full time for 10 months of a year before their next level of in-class technical training.

In-class Technical Training

In-class technical training is completed in a classroom.  In Manitoba, in-class technical training for Apprenticeship Manitoba is done at Red River College in Winnipeg, Assiniboine Community College in Brandon, University College of the North in The Pas, and a variety of private institutions. In-class technical training usually lasts 8-10 weeks of the year. Students in the RRTVA have several options to do Apprenticeship Manitoba accredited programs that give students Level 1  accreditation of their in-class technical training (please note that the Level 1 Accreditation is only valid if students get a job and an apprenticeship contract with an employee).

Apprenticeship Pathway Model

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