Apprenticeship Basic Structure
Apprenticeships are made of levels containing, 1) on-the-job work experience hours, and 2) in-class technical training. An apprenticeship is typically made of 2-5 levels of training depending on the trade. After all levels are completed, the apprentice will need to write an exam.
Adult Technical Training
Students may need to register for either level one or level two technical training with Apprenticeship Manitoba. Students will register for level one if they did not attend an RRTVA Accredited Program or they did not meet the requirements for level one accreditation during high school. Go to the next section to see how to register for level one adult apprenticeship.
Students who did complete the RRTVA Accredited Program and were able to accumulate more all of their on-the-job work experience hours (levels are from 1550 hours to 2200 hours - go to your trade to find out by clicking on Manitoba Trades) will continue to work on their work experience hours for level two.
Adult apprenticeship training is offered at three different locations:1) Red River College - Winnipeg, 2) Assiniboine Community College - Brandon, and 3) University College of the North - The Pas. Please note: apprenticeship courses must be registered through Apprenticeship Manitoba not the colleges.
How to Register for Adult In-Class Technical Training
Registration for in-class technical training levels 1 or 2:
Apprenticeship Manitoba opens in-class technical training registrations for the next academic year at the beginning of July.
High School Apprentices High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP) Tuition Credit
Apprentices that completed multiples of two HSAP credits should pay no tuition fees, whatsoever.
Here is the table of fees for the cost of technical training:

Students who complete 2 HSAP credits save one level of "Apprentice Personal Contribution Fees for Technical Training." The amount saved will depend on the length of weeks in training at the Apprenticeship Level. Every extra set of 2 HSAP credits will save another set of fees. 8 HSAP credits pays for 4 levels of technical training fees.
Register by phone or in person if you have HSAP credits.
Important note about HSAP Credits – you must indicate that you have HSAP Credits in person or by phone (this does not work if you log in). For every two HSAP credits (220 hours) you did in high school, you are entitled to a free registration fee (this will save you $464 if you have an 8 week course). Please remember to do this each year if you earned multiple HSAP credits (8 HSAP credits pays for 4 levels of registration fees or $1856). Caution: if you have accidentally paid for the registration, there is no chance of you getting it back.
Call this number to register – 204-945-4016 (no call prompts), 1-877-978-7233, or show up in person at 100-111 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg or 1005 St. Mary's Road Winnipeg. It is recommended to be both in line and phoning if you wish to have a specific time as the registration process is first-come-first-served.
Fill out the Apprenticeship Technical Training Registration Application.
Go to the current year Technical Training Course Schedule.
Some advice about registration:
1. Check with your employer as to when they would like to release you to your training course.
2. Be careful to choose the course at the school you wish to go to. Courses may appear at Red River College - RRC (Notre Dame campus in Winnipeg), Assiniboine Community College ACC (Brandon campus), or University College of the North (The Pas campus).
3. The courses are listed alphabetically but know that some level 1 and 2 courses are listed as Common Core. For example Agriculture Equipment Technician level one would be listed as Common Core Ag Tech/HDET/TTM Level 1.
Some advice about attending in-class technical training:
Technical Training Attendance Policy – please note that Apprenticeship Manitoba has a strict attendance policy for technical training. Familiarize yourself with their policy.